732-232-1990 joe@joepfeiffer.dev


A couple images of Joe.

I’m Joe (and that’s Elliot). Nice to meet you!

I enjoy coding, especially when it results in a meaningful user experience that meets the needs of my clients. No need to reinvent the wheel, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it creatively!

A couple images of Joe.


I bring over 20 years of web development experience to the teams I work with. I love streamlining processes and the subtlety of fine detail. Always learning!

WordPress logo


I code primarily in PHP, which typically makes the WordPress CMS my go-to for most client solutions. Themes, plug-ins, optimization, the whole nine.

Shopify logo


For e-commerce, Shopify is where it’s at. Templating in Liquid is very efficient and the platform is the gold standard for getting an online store rolling.

Custom Solutions

Looking for something outside-the-box for your web application?  Let’s discuss your vision and find a way to realize it!

A FEW Projects

Please enjoy a small sampling of some of my recent projects.
(Contact me if you’d like to see more.)

Brighton Health Plan Solutions
Emsonic Saver

Let’s Start Something new TOGETHER!